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Username: Paul_ron

Post Number: 91
Registered: 07-2006

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Posted on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 04:42 pm:   

I just had an interesting bout with Micro-Tools. I spent a half hour on the phone with an operator trying to order the correct light seal material. I didn't want the dence neoprin stuff, I needed the open cell type found in most import cameras.

Anyway I placed my order and was specific enough that I should have gotten the right stuff. Well the neoprin stuff arives. I shoot off an e-mail to Micro-Tools telling em I got the wrong stuff and Curt Fargo tells me this is what I ordered. I excplained it;'s not waht I wanted adn that I shouldn't have to eat the extra shipping costs sicne it was their mistake. He tells me there is nothing he can do about that adn if I want an exchange I have to ship it back at my expense.

Well after trying to resolve this I am finding it has escalated to the point where I'm calling VISA to stop payment. Now Mr Fargo is threatening that I will banned from buying anything from his site.

So if you want customer satisfation and customer service, go to Interslice for your light seals.

Also NYOil is nothing more that the same oil used by musicians called "valve oil" used for trumpets n brass instruments.

Grease is another matter. Depending on the use, it can be anything from SuperLube silicone to lithium grease. If you are using it inside a camera or lens, you want a low out gassing grease, preferably a non-petrolium distilate.

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