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Username: That_swede

Post Number: 3
Registered: 05-2009

Rating: N/A
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Posted on Sunday, May 10, 2009 - 02:33 pm:   

Hi Scott, I think Nickon51 is correct with his comments re the diode. I dont have the time or energy for a rather cheap light meter to investigate much deeper to see what current range we are talking about for this application but I doubt that the 1N5711 would be an unreasonable choice. I found a comment elsewhere which seems to confer with what I suspected that these meters uses two CdS cells, but since they are in one capsule its not that obvious other than the number of connections. I've now checked out the accuracy of my own meter and its not very good. I'd obtain a zinc air cell (675 I think it is) first to see that the meter is accurate before worrying about that diode. If it is not accurate then I think it's open season on those pots fit a silver oxide cell and twiddle away - you'll soon see which sets battery check level and which is high EV and which low EV. These are a pretty simple device. Obviously you will need a good meter or camera as cross reference. If you do go down the diode route then you will probably have to stick it in positive line as there are two connections hooked on to the negative terminal already, one of which is a resistor. It makes no difference - its just a voltage drop - it will also be obvious if you have it the wrong way round.

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