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Username: Glenn

Post Number: 598
Registered: 07-2006

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Posted on Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 05:55 pm:   

For heaves sake ignore all the useless lubricant references you read in old Canon service manuals. There is enough information within this forum for you to select modern, easily available lubricants.

The GE-7 reference originates from a Japanese bearing manufacturer's list. There is no valid reason why Canon recommended the Aeroshell grease, there were at least 10 other products that met the MIL spec at the time - including 4 from Japanese suppliers. You should also note that grease to this specification is not needed, even in an A-1 continually operated by the motor drive unit.

The A Series mechanism is not lubricant sensitive, and this holds true for most cameras with similar internal mechanicals. Many years ago I stripped and repaired a colleague's A-1, whilst sitting in a Berber encampment deep in the Sahara. I relubed the camera using a battered can of 'Singer Sewing Machine Oil' supplied by our Berber Guide - the camera functioned perfectly for the whole of the remaining six months of the project. I expect many people on the forum will be horrified to lean that I always lube the flywheel shaft sleeve bearing, in the mirror damper of the A-1, with decanted WD-40. Always have, always will - my A-1s have seen really hard use over the years, working perfectly on Nyoil, WD-40 and general purpose automotive wheel bearing grease - use the moly loaded version if one wishes.

The only lubricant critical component on a camera is the lens helical. For obvious reason you need a temperature stable, none separating, none outgassing grease, of suitable viscosity to give the correct feel to the focusing action.

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