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Username: Brkl

Post Number: 1
Registered: 06-2009

Rating: N/A
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Posted on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 - 05:44 pm:   

My beautiful Mamiya is broken. First what happened, then my question.

I bought a Mamiya 645 Super off of Ebay, promised to be in excellent condition, which it kind of was. I would've been fooled if the seller claimed it was never used. However, it was damaged somewhat in transport (this is what the seller claims, and I believe him). First, I noticed the focus screen wasn't focusing properly (infinite focus was blurry, around 5m was sharp at that setting). By fiddling around with the M UP switch I determined the mirrow was too low when resting. I thought about it for about a week and then tried what would happen if I lifted a little piece of metal that stopped the mirror when it was descending. When I did this, a little spring.. sprung out. See the pictures.

So this is the problem. I don't know if anyone is repairing the cameras in my country (Finland), and I've already spent more money on it I intended. Can I fix this by myself?

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