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Username: Tom_cheshire

Post Number: 156
Registered: 04-2009

Rating: N/A
Votes: 0

Posted on Saturday, August 29, 2009 - 02:05 pm:   

The multi-nationals have discovered that the masses do not develop mentally past the point of high school and there is a lot of money catering to an it's-all-about-me/I'm-somebody-even-if-I-have-no-redeeming-qualities population.

The worst part of that segment of the population is they have the personality of a shrew. They want what they want and if you don't give it to them they are ready to destroy you.

How many times have I given inside information to a newbie (not referring to here) only to be dismissed after they used it to elevate themselves and not come back to thank me. In fact, they turn their face away as if they always knew what they now know and I don't exist.

Well, my time is valuable too and, like you said, I could be off doing something else either to entertain or profit myself. So I see your point and agree with you on that.

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