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Username: Contax_crisis

Post Number: 18
Registered: 08-2008

Rating: N/A
Votes: 0

Posted on Saturday, September 12, 2009 - 11:22 am:   

Despite trying to live with a Leica M6TTL, I just can't get along with its weight and bulk. Looking back, I've been putting up with it just to use some of the Zeiss lenses (Sonnar-C 50mm f1.5 T* ZM mount and the Biogon 21mm f2.8).

The IIIf has always been my preferred 35mm camera, and I wonder if anyone has tried to modify the ZM/Leica bayonet mounts to a LTM screw mount.

Checking the rear elements with a set of calipers, the rear element has sufficient clearance to the film plane. The ZM mounts would need to be shimmed by 1mm, reducing the flange thickness. Would this affect mounting stability....or is there a way around this problem?

Neither lenses block the rangefinder patch either, so both can still be rangefinder coupled, if the shimming of the flange mount and machining of a screwmount meets the correct tolerance.

I wonder if anyone has done this before, or had any experience outsourcing this kind of work to a technician? I guess it wouldn't be cheap, however I'm hoping the M6TTL body would pay for the conversions.

Thanks for any thoughts.

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