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Username: Daniirwan

Post Number: 12
Registered: 10-2009

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Posted on Sunday, November 08, 2009 - 08:46 am:   

Hi everyone. I'm currently having some film loading, or rather, unloading troubles with my Nettar 517/16, and I'd like to see if anyone has experience this before with this particular model of the Nettar or any other cameras using 120 rollfilm...and if you have, what do you think is the problem and how to solve it.

See, I've run 2 rolls of film thru my Nettar, 1 roll of Reala and just today, 1 roll of Velvia..my 1st ever slide film. Now, the Reala I shot about 3 weeks ago..and it was spoiled because when I wound the advance knob, it got progressively tighter and more difficult to turn starting from frame no. 6 onwards. Near the end, frame no 11, it got so tight it stripped some of the skin on my thumb! In the end, I gave up trying and just opened the camera's back. What I saw was that the film was jammed..somehow, it was wound on very loosely onto the film spool that it took up almost all the space in the take up side, causing it to be impossible to be advanced anymore. I ended up ripping that roll of Reala out and needless to say, it had light leaks all over and only frame no.1 was barely usable. I was frustrated to say the least. Back then, I thought this was caused by me using an older all-metal 120 film spool as the take up spool..I thought it had a different size/slot size or something, but today I found out I was wrong.

Today, I went for a photo outing. I loaded a roll of Velvia into the Nettar. For the take up spool, I used a plastic modern 120 spool taken from another camera of mine. As I progressed through the film, advancing the film was easy and no difficulties whatsoever. But then, when the roll was finished and I had advanced the film all the way, I opened the back to see that the film was still..how to
say..'bulging' out of the film spool, i.e. it seems like it was not wound on tightly to the film spool. I was still able to take out the film normally and I immediately put on some tight rubberbands at both ends of the film, but I think I'll have lightleaks in this one too :-( I have no idea what's causing this. Seeing this webpage, http://www.thecamerasite.net/03_Folder_Cameras/Pages/zeisnettar.htm, it says the 517/16 Nettar was meant to be used with a 'B 2 spool'..I haven't the foggiest idea what that is either. It's weird because with my Voigtlander Perkeo I and Yashica A TLR, I always end up with an exposed film that's wound VERY tightly and closely to the spool.

Any help much appreciated. Thanks so much.

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