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Username: Aphototaker

Post Number: 57
Registered: 12-2009

Rating: N/A
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Posted on Sunday, February 14, 2010 - 03:07 pm:   

Mikel, thanks for the encouragement.

I was looking for a CLA, reluctantly though (it was akin to admitting defeat, if you know what I mean), only because I was afraid cleaning and lubing the shutter shafts might involve disassembling the mirror box and then the shutter assembly -- going to the core of the camera.

From your reply, however, it appears no such dis-assembly is required. Am I correct?

Here is a labeled picture of the bottom of the camera.
Canon FTb bottom: are the pink arrows indicating curtain shafts?

If I understand this properly, the curtain shafts are pointed to by the magenta arrows (the circled one is below the plastic white gear). Is the cyan arrow pointing to the master shaft?

Could you also point to me the shutter speed adjustment cogs?

Is it enough for me to take out the frame counter assembly from the top and bend away the shutter speed assembly to clean and lube the shutter shafts ends on the top of the camera?

Should I be lubing the shutter shafts ends on the rewind side on the top of the camera?

Finally, do I understand it right that I can use naphtha on the shafts without dis-assembling them at all? In other words, if I just drop a few drops of naphtha on the shaft end bushing, that should be enought? If so, where does the dirt and grime supposed to go which naphtha is expected to clean?

(sorry for all the questions, but to me this is very exciting!)

Also, am I right in understanding that the shutter shafts are supported only at their two ends with the brass bushings and nowhere else along their lengths?

Much thanks!

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