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Username: Chris_sherlock

Post Number: 16
Registered: 08-2006

Rating: N/A
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Posted on Thursday, March 11, 2010 - 10:48 am:   

G'day Mug,
Most likely you need to adjust the screw on the top of the release assembly shaft. When you press the shutter button two important things happen, the shutter fires, and the film advance is released. Ideally this happens at he same time. Something, or someone has disturbed the setting on your camera. When the adjsutment is out, as in your camera, a user who depresses the shutter button gently just until the shutter fires and then lets the button rise will find the film locked, if the adjustment is out the other way, you can find that the film release happens first, and so if you change your mind just before firing the shutter, you'll end up with an unexplained blank exposure on your film. The adjustment screw is visible under the top of the shutter push rod assembly. You'll need to unscrew it half a turn or more. You'll find a copy of the parts list on my website. http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~Srawhiti/index.html. Regards, Chris Sherlock

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