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Username: David_nebenzahl

Post Number: 223
Registered: 12-2009

Rating: N/A
Votes: 0

Posted on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - 10:30 am:   

Once you get everything taken apart, the Seikosha shutter is pretty easy and straightforward to work on.

The tricky parts of putting the Aires III back together are:

1. Lining up the gears when mating the lens assembly to the body. There are two sets of gears, one for cocking the shutter, the other for releasing it. It is pretty obvious what position things should be in in order for everything to work correctly, but takes a bit of fussing to get everyone to line up where they should be. It might take a couple of tries to get right.

2. Putting the focus helical back together is another trial-and-error process, but again, if you play with it for a while it'll be fairly obvious where things should line up (hint: make sure the lens assembly retracts far enough towards infinity focus). The fine focus adjustment can be done after everything is put back together by loosening the outer focus ring, adjusting infinity focus, then replacing the focus ring.

I also had to play around with the slow-speed escapement clockwork to get the slow speeds to work correctly. This is a matter of moving the entire assembly closer to or farther away from the center of the shutter. This can also be done after the camera is assembled.

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