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Username: Wonloo

Post Number: 8
Registered: 07-2010

Rating: N/A
Votes: 0

Posted on Sunday, December 19, 2010 - 11:29 am:   

Thanks Marek, You are one of the knowledgeable persons that I was hoping will help.

The escapement and the blade under it had the most of the old oil stains. I took out the escapement and gave it and all blades a lighter fuel bath. But when I put the escapement back, I notice the 1/8 and 1/15 are way off. The 1/8 was like free running at 1/125 or faster. That was why I wondered did I miss the gear change between ranges.

One other question, I am not sure I understand the difference between "in sequence" and "in order". Let me ask this way: If I can find the equipment and adjust the timing. Do I want to keep the absolute time for most of the stops but some slower stops are faster than the faster stop or every stop is off but slower one is always slower.

I am trying to make a speed tester from an old mouse. There are also some reading needed on how to interpret the reading of leaf shutter testing.

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