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Username: Mareklew

Post Number: 44
Registered: 03-2010

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Posted on Friday, April 09, 2010 - 01:02 am:   

Use distilled water. You can buy it cheaply in stores holding household cleaning stuff - it's sold for steam-ironing clothes, for topping car battery electrolyte etc. Costs about $1 per gallon where I live.

Don't get me wrong: even clean water CAN do damage to camera interior. But you have already had salt water there, which is much worse, so the damage is done. You can't use alcohol etc., because some of the waste saltwater deposited there is easily soluble only in water. So clean it all with water FIRST, then do the usual CLA after all saltwater deposits are gone and camera components several times flushed with fresh water.

Note, that water will take very long to evaporate from hard-to-reach places, so best is to disassemble the device in question as far, as only possible prior to washing.

Leave washed components in a warm, dry place for a week afterward, first then do final assembly.

You might need to adjust meter afterward, but it's unlikely CdS cell would be affected by water (it is sealed, else it would get wasted by air contact). Be careful about the galvanometer though! It won't get damaged by water contact, but it's mechanically very fragile.


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