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Posted on Saturday, January 10, 2004 - 03:02 pm:   

I have posted this message about disassembly of a Moskva shutter/rangefinder long ago, maybe it helps a bit:

I did not work on the original Ikonta but on two Moskva5 shutters which are virtually identical.

All which follows can be done with the shutter still on the camera. But I would strongly suggest to remove the complete assembly from the camera by removing the big ring nut inside the bellows. Some screws can be accessed more easily, and there is no more danger of damaging the bellows and spreader mechanism.

First, remove the thumb wheel from the prism arm. Remove the cover and the two screws under it. Remove the rear cover of the prism arm, but DO NOT touch the screw on the right (with the arm pointing upwards and seen from behind), loosen the left screw only. Remove the tension spring, and pull out the prism arm and its shaft backwards.

Now remove the focussing dial from the lens, screw out the front lens and remove the second lens element. Remove the shutter cover (four screws on the corners.

Next is the internal shutter cover (a die cast part). Turn the three half-cut screws with 'snakeeyes holes' so that they come off the notches in the shutter collar. Turn the shutter cover until the cams match the 'bulges' of the shutter cover (some kind of bayonet mount), and lift it.

I intentionally did not describe the procedure how to keep the lens and rangefinder properly adjusted. It might be possible to do all this without the need to readjust, but with such a complex disassembly in most cases they will have to be adjusted anyway. But this is less complex than you think.

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