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Username: Monolith

Post Number: 4
Registered: 01-2011

Rating: N/A
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Posted on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - 01:03 pm:   

Thanks for your reply. You are right, I took all the screws out - I understood Henry Taber so in the worst case everything falls out in a heap. But NOT everything fell out - only the aperture (yes, I understand the difference aperture/shutter). The shutter (except the blades, they fell out) is stuck in the lens barrel.
I can see this shutter activation arm through a hole in the shutter mechanism and there is a part of the shutter unit behind it, probably being blocked by it. But I can move it only about 5 mm, which doesn't get it out of the way. Thanks for strengthening my belief that I can make it, but at the moment I have no idea HOW. Do you have a more detailed advice for me?

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