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Username: Tobias

Post Number: 4
Registered: 03-2011

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Posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 10:19 am:   

Mattboston: thanks, I'm glad I didn't have to disassemble it that far :-).

The problem with the self timer was that it wouldn't go through the whole cycle under its own power, it needed a few nudges. A couple of lighter fuel drops fixed that and it now goes all the way through! I'm not so concerned with the actual time the timer takes. I'm trying to not overstep my repair skill level too grossly with this project, so I wanted to avoid further shutter disassembly :-).

I think I gave it a drop too much of lighter fluid though and this made it seep out onto the shutter blades, taking some oil with it. That made the shutter stick, but after more lighter fluid and repeated cleaning with q-tips and lens wipes it appears snappy again.

I've now re-assembled everything except for the mirror, view finder, side leatherettes and trim. I did a quick audio measurement of the shutter speeds and came up with the following:

1s: 0.855s
1/5 (0.2s): 0.12s
1/10 (0.1s): 0.046s
1/25 (0.04s): 0.045s
1/50 (0.02s): 0.03s

I suspect my measurements are not that exact, but there seems to be a trend from too fast to too slow... I tried to measure from the middle of the first peak of the waveform to the middle of the second peak, in CoolEdit. Gets difficult to measure like this at speeds faster than 1/50.

As I don't have a shutter speed tester it might be difficult for me to get them much better than that right now. I do also have a Rolleiflex and a Yashica-mat that will probably see more use than the Ikoflex, but still want it in a funtioning state of course.

I'd love to get some pointers on resetting the taking and viewing lens. So it's not just a matter of screwing them back in eh? :-). I didn't touch the little plate in pic 3, I think you're correct that it's the infinity focus stopper.

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