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Username: Cooltouch

Post Number: 231
Registered: 01-2009

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Posted on Wednesday, March 06, 2013 - 02:51 am:   

Thanks for the responses, guys. Aerowoof, the aperture ring rotates without sticking. The LED readout in the window changes precisely as I move the ring when in Aperture priority auto.

John, I'll admit that I did a quick and dirty check without using another meter of known accuracy. But I've been guesstimating exposure based on the sunny f/16 rule for -- oh, about 25 years or so I guess, and I've gotten fairly comfortable with it. All you gotta know is where 18% gray is when you're outdoors. The blue sky away from the sun is 18% gray. Green grass is 18% gray. I checked the Minolta's meter readout against both empty blue sky and green grass and got the same reading. It was quite bright today when I tried it out, but even if it had been "a little duller," it wouldn't have been two stops worth. That would have required significant overcast.

I guess I count f/stops differently from you: 1/125 to 1/60 to 1/30 is two stops to me, not 1-1/2.

I've also run into instances where a camera's meter will disagree with an accurate hand-held meter, but this is almost always because of a metering pattern that is set on the camera which causes it to read the scene differently from the way the hand-held is.

The XG-M has an EV adjustment dial: +/- 2 stops EV. I can dial in -2 stops of EV and it reads correctly. But that's cheating. I want it to read the scene the way it's supposed to.

Look I appreciate the well intended advice guys, I really do. But can we assume please that the meter is indeed off so I can find out what I need to do to correct it? I don't suppose there's anything convenient under the top cover like an adjustment pot is there?

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