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Posted on Friday, June 10, 2005 - 11:57 pm:   

Just a confession:

I recently acquired a Fujica ST605 for $40 with a f/2.2 lens.

...So I decided to take the lens off tonight, because the finder was making things look yellow, and I figured I could clean the mirror and ground glass, and remove the nasty light seal goop which has begun to shed...

To make a long story short, I've realized that ground glass is not always....glass. It appears to be plastic, in this case, and I've added a bunch of nasty cleaning marks by taking a Q-Tip (cotton bud) to it. The finder is now a marked-up mess, and is still yellow. Grrrrrr.

I'm an idiot.

Was I correct in guessing that the 'ground glass' is plastic, and I've screwed it up beyond repair?

Do any of you have SLRs with nasty-looking finders, and do you find you're able to make use of them, in spite of this?

/going to bed...done enough damage for tonight.


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