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Peter Wallage

Rating: N/A
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Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 07:08 pm:   

Not quite sure what you mean by "getting the pin back". The meter on the Minister D is calibrated in 'exposure values' which are also on the Copal SVL shutter. First, turn the front ring with the red exposure values on it as far as it will go either way, and you'll see that you can turn back and set the shutter speed you want at the top, opposite the red line on the body of the shutter. Then turn the front ring to bring the meter's exposure value to the top of the shutter. You'll see the aperture stop figures also rotate. If you want to use a different stop from the one that lines up with the shutter speed you chose, or decide you want a different speed, turn the thin knurled ring between the speed and stop figures, and the appropriate shutter speeds and stops stay together so you can choose whichever combination of speed and stop you want, again lined up with the red line. The only other levers on the Copal SVL are the selector for X or M flash synchronisation, at the side, and the delayed action lever at the bottom. Hope that makes sense.


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