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Stuart Willis

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Posted on Thursday, October 20, 2005 - 08:08 am:   

Mike ... there are all sorts of posibilities but your first move should be to change the ASA to a different setting. Move it significantly away from the currently set number. Now test the metering again.

You are effectively trying to eliminate or confirm that the problem is (or is not) at the ASA wiper or the circular segmented resistor as under the film rewing knob beneath the top-plate.

If all is good at a different ASA setting, you may only need to clean the resistance track and clean and check the spring tension of the gold-plated wiper.

If all remains good at the different ASA setting but still bad at the original ASA setting after the cleaning job - then the chances are the circular segmented resistor is bad at a particular spot. In this case you can easily replace it provided you can obtain a spare (perhaps from a junker camera of the same model) - or you can use the closest ASA setting which works - and make a compensating shutter-speed or ÄStop adjustment.

I have encountered your described problem on FG Models and the above guideline is valid.

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