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Posted on Thursday, October 20, 2005 - 03:34 pm:   

I've just got hold of a Bessa 1 (6x9 folder) from about 1953. its a bit grubby in the body (nothing a bit of spit and pollish won't fix) but the bellows are totally fine.

My main concern is the lens. Its a bit dusty and looks like it could have some fungus inside. The lens is a three element coated Vaskar lens, otherwise good condition, no scratches. I've not yet run any film through it but I know that a dusty and fungused lens won't be doing me any favours. So I fancy a crack at cleaning the lens.

have found the following page which has some useful info - this guys camera seems in almost identical condition to mine:


Whats initially puzzling me is how to get the whole lens/shutter section free of the from mounting at the bellows. I get the impression that theres a ring to unscrew fron inside the bellows, but have no idea how to actually move it.

Secondly, I usually clean a lens with isopropanol, but it there anything special i should be doing to tackle the fungus? I've heard many suggestions, from meths, vinegar, vodka, right through to thrush cream!

So if anyone has tackled a similar job i'd be greatful for any info or tips as i've not tried anything like this before.

The viewfinder is also dirty inside but as there appears to be no visible screws on the top section of the camera I guess its a nightmare to get inside it to clean it......

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