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Username: Adrian

Post Number: 66
Registered: 08-2006

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Posted on Thursday, July 12, 2007 - 07:38 am:   

I'd be very wary of buying anything broken if you intend to use it seriously, unless you are experienced in small-scale mechanics. Most people's first few "fixes" end up dead. Unless you want to experiment with fixing a few junk cameras first, why not find something that takes pictures and play with it to see how it goes? Of course I don't know your level of experience here - apologies if I am being patronising!

I "learnt" MF through old No2 Box Brownies, and had a barrel of fun. Eight shots, a mirrored viewfinder (you try snapping a moving object with one of those!) and a viewfinder the size of my thumbnail all conspired to make me think far more about composition than I'd ever had to before. If you get one with a lens behind the shutter you can even use colour film, as this reduces flare as effectively as a coating - or so I am told!

While I wouldn't necessarily suggest that you try the way I did, you don't need a Bessa or a Super Ikonta to have fun and find out what you can do. Folders are easy to carry (well, easier than a Hassy, anyway) and the family will love being snapped with a funny old-fashioned camera! Sure, you may not get all the bells and whistles but it'll give you something to play with while you decide what you want and what you can afford.

Hope that helps,


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