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Glenn Middleton

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Posted on Thursday, February 09, 2006 - 09:51 am:   

You do not give the specifics on what is wrong with the processing. In my experience you are looking at the last factor in the failure chain first. I have never had problems with security X-ray equipment degrading either exposed or unexposed film stock.

As you appear to be using two types of film, film stock problems can be ignored. Storage of the films is the next area, both the retailer and yourself. I have seen some very questionable storage of professional stock by so called reputable retailers over the years.

The next variable will be the actual processing/processor. Do you use the same company all the time and if so, is it the same branch?

Finally, is your equipment working properly? Silly question? Well no, a certain acquaintance of mine once created a great stink over the self same problem. Swore blind that his recently serviced kit was not to blame and made accusations of depleted chemicals etc. Unfortunately he did not bother to check the metering system with an external source, 'I've paid £300 to have this lot serviced, course it works!'. Well it did work in the correct fashion, ie aperture closed down, shutter opened/closed but under exposed by something like 4.5EV.

Not suggesting for one moment that you are anything like that pompous idiot, but problems sometimes can be traced back to our own doorstep.
I do feel that your problems may be due to the processor/processing if you are only using one company. Try another firm for the next batch of films or at least have one cassette processed and printed by a firm that deals with professionals, we still use film and expect and get first rate results. Not something you can say for minilabs.

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