I have a Leica M2 that I acquired recently and I tried to take it out to shoot with today. The camera appeared to be functioning well when purchased but when I mounted my 90mm Elmarit I realized the camera would not focus to infinity. Both the horizontal and vertical alignment of the rangefinder is perfect. When I removed the lens and pressed the coupling mechanism into the body I was able to focus it to infinity. So I tried mounting my 35mm and 50mm lenses as well and the same thing occurred. Do I simply need to adjust the arm that engages with the lenses or does the problem run deeper then that?
Sir: I'm not sure what you have!! You say the RF is perfect.....does that mean that when you rack the lens to inf. the RF is one image or is it not "right on" until you push the lens into the body> Help me out here.
I figured the problem out and adjusted the unit per the following link; http://leica.nemeng.com/034b.shtml. The horizontal and vertical alignment of the rangefinder is now perfect at 1m, 10m, and infinity. That should do the trick but we shall see what turns up in the developer.