I have a Nikkormat FTN with the shutter/mirror locked up. Any suggestions on repair would be appreciated. Willing to take it apart but need some guidance on where to begin. Thank you.
the worst case would be that the plastic gear in the shutter mechanism is stripped/broken--about the only way you can determine this is disassemble the camera and remove the shutter assembly. Check to see if the camera is wound or tripped.
It could be one of the springs inside the camera. Ie got the same porblem on a Nikon FM 2 and ive repaired it by fixing one screw inside the top cover.
To remove the top you had to be careful. It's realy easy to remove parts, but its not so easy to stuck them together in the right order again.
Its a real risk to destroy the camera !
So be very careful and do the whole repair on one day or rebuild the camera again.
Thats that i learned on an old FT 3
Remove the winding crank srew. That screw ? Its on top of the winding crank and you cant see a real screw. You had to put a rubber plate on top of the winding crank and turn it clock wise. I've done it with a trekking shoe because of the rubber. After that remove the film advance on the left. Its also a screw. Put the film out of the chamber and hold the part that rewinds the film. Than turn the upper part.It will be easy to remove. Now you turn of the little screws and the top cover can be removed.