I just bought a canonet QL19 for 8€ on ebay. Very cheap but the camera needs some repairs. I think I have to replace the beamsplitter mirror. I know I can buy it at Edmund scientifics, but they do net ship any item to Europe. The company they promote for european buyers don't sell beamsplitters. I didn't find any company that sells cheap beamsplitters and ship them to europe.
Does anyone have a solution to buy a beamsplitter for people living in Europe ?
I really want to do some repair work on this camera.
PS : English is not my language but I hope everybody can understand this message.
Have you tried the German branch of Edmund Optics (http://www.edmundoptics.com/de/)? They do sell beam splitters, but probably ones that are much too costly for what you need.
The best possibility should be to replace the beamsplitter by one of a junker camera. If you have the Canonet QL19 of 1971 the beamsplitter of the Canonet 28 of 1972 should do it. These are cheap to come buy on a certain auction site. You should not offer more than 1€ or 2€ for one with unknown function.
BTW.: I must have one of these Canonets in my junker box. Some years ago I salvaged one of the 28s to gain parts for a GIII-QL17. The rangefinder with the beam splitter should still be somewhere here. If you drop me an email directly to my adress we could propably make an arrangement. I never saw a Canonet of this age with a weak beamsplitter or do you have the older QL19 of 1965?