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Favorite Classics Featured Cameras

Argus C3 ~1939-1966
I was not too attracted to the so-called/bragged "brick" camera...

Canon Canonet ~1961-1972
These compact little cameras is known for its’ sophistication and performance.

Canon Demi ~1963-1971
The Demi is a beautiful child of the sixties...

Olympus Pen ~1959-1970
...highlighting two totally different half-frame camera concepts...

Welta Welti ~1935-1950
Most people are not familiar with this classic 'folder'...

Yashica 635 ~ 1958 - Updated -
Dual format TLR that Yashica ever made

My Rangefinders
Canon Canonet, Yashica Electro 35, Konica Auto S1.6, Yashica Minister III, and Minolta Hi-Matic 7s