Please do not download and copy these scans for purposes of reselling or making a profit. These manuals were either scanned by us or given to us to distribute free of charge, old camera lover to old camera lover. We could sell these, and the good folks that gave them to us could resell them. But we chose to distribute freely. Respect our efforts. If you wish to sell manuals, fine, go buy one and scan it yourself and sell it to your hearts content. But please leave ours free. Each of these factory manuals are copyrighted by the respective manufacturer. If any manufacturer wishes us to stop distributing their manuals just let us know and we will immediately remove them from these pages. Favorite Classics likewise holds the copyright to ALL material on its pages, including these scans. Respect these copyrights, do not resell. We would appreciate hearing of anyone selling our scans on eBay, etc, so we can request them to stop. Thank you.