Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, February 06, 2004 - 11:30 am: |
I am trying to remove the lenses and the shutter-speed and aperture rings of my Minolta AL in order to try to repair it. I started by trying to unscrew the outermost lens ring, the black ring that says Rokkor on it. I can't get that one out. The threads of the chrome collar it screws into are not bent or dented. Does the whole collar come out as a unit? Can anyone give me advice on what comes off first? Another thing that's puzzling me is that the wind lever is not turning the gears under the bottom cover that cock the shutter. I can see that the wind lever axel is turning a brass-colored cylndrical nut (on the end of that axel), but not the gear immediately under that nut (looking down on the bottom of the camera) that should drive the rest of the shutter-cocking gears. Any clues for how to proceed? Thanks! |