Hi! Found this forum when searching for information on the Saljut-C. I have a problem that I guess comes from the shutter moving jerky. It shows as light vertical "lines". It doesn't show up on every picture and not always at the same degree but always in the same spot. Does anyone have a qlue to what might be my problem and how it can be fixed? example can be seen here: http://flickr.com/gp/karrlander/7930k6 Regards Robban
Hi. There is a direct light leak at the lower left side of the image. I think the bright lines must be an indirect light leak - light from the same (or some other) source reflecting from the shiny corrugated steel of the shutter curtain. At least the frequency of the lines seems to fit the pattern on the shutter curtain. Light leaks from the gap between the body and film back are endemic on these cameras. After trying everything else, I "solved" the problem with a black rubber band around the film back and a restraint of not changing them midroll.
Thanks! You might be right on that one and I know I have some light leaks from that back. Didn't think of indirect leaks though but it sounds as it might be the cause. Did some work on another back with worse leaks and now when I tried that back with a roll of film I didn't get any lines at all. I will do some more lead-fixing and see if that stops the problem.