I have bought a used Canon FTb. I notice the Aperture Needle does not move when I turn the Aperture ring. The Aperturte Signal Coupling Lever in the camera body does not move either. Should it be free-moving and lightly spring loaded ? Is it easy to fix the problem ?
the asc lever--visable when remove the lens--beside mirror--rewind side--should slide up and down and be spring loaded so as to return to the top when you pull it down and release it. As for the lens--make sure it is an FD mount and not an older one.
Thanks. The asc lever stays at the bottom with about 2 mm free movement. I Can feel it is spring-loaded. Something is preveting it from springing back to tne top.
Can it be fixed ? I think I can still do stop-down metering.
the asc knob is part of a flat rod that is mounted to the side of the mirror box. The top is visable when you remove the top cover. Possibly, something has gotten the top blocking it. To see more requires removal of the mirror--box--quite a job.