I have disassembled/assembled many AiS lenses. AiS lenses only needed a screwdriver to get at the diaphragm. I am having trouble with a 135mm Ai f3.5, it does not (seem to) come apart in the same way as an AiS.
I have removed everything I can get at from the back. I can not find any tiny screw hole on the side of the barell. I'm stuck.
This AI lens seems to need some ring to be unscrewed. Before I mung the whole mess to @#$%^%$# and back, does anyone know the correct way to attack this lens
In most Nikkors I've worked on, the inner barrel comes out to the front, and then you remove the front cell to reach the diaphragm. These have been mostly non-AI and AI series I guess, but there have been some AIS ones too. The only trick I recall in the 135 was something to do with trying to get past the retractable lens hood; the details of which escape me at the moment.