I received a Nikon FE2 - my first real camera - for Christmas this year. I've noticed that sometimes the meter just refuses to move no matter what I do, and I don't know what to do when that happens. Can it be fixed? Does it need to be fixed? Help please!
The FE2 does not give any meter readings until you wind to frame 1. So, make sure the film counter is at or past the 1 mark.
Make sure you have a fresh battery and the battery contacts are clean. Try different ASA settings and see if there is a difference. A common problem on the FE2 is dirty electrical contacts. There are several of them under the top cover. Any camera repair shop can do a cleaning of those without much trouble. Its not a good first camera repair project, so I wouldn't suggest doing it yourself unless you have some experience.
The FE2 is definitely worth getting fixed. I use mine all the time and like it very much.
i have a nikon fe2... when i changed the battery i took a test shot to see if the battery light went off and when i depressed the shutter it would not release... i tried removing the lens... and opening the film door and rewinding but nothing opens the shutter and lets me take a new picture... can you help?