Anybody knows how to remove the top plate of the Super-Dolina? Problem is the shutter release knob on the top. It is of flat steel that goes troug the top plate but then at his end is fixed a cylinder that is nited on the flat steel piece. How to remove this nite?
I want to open remove the top so I could acces the mirror of the rangefinder. Have anybody adjusted this? On my exemplar the yellowish picture is moved a lot downward. In fact I need to tilt the camera upward so I can see it. How to climb it up? I know that this can be made on the russian rangefinders, althought not as simple as a horizontal shift.
I do not know what "nited" means. Do you means riveted (= genietet)?
There is cap on the shutter release button of the Super Dollina. It is hold in place just by friction and you can pull it off. The knob under the cap is kept in place by a tiny bolt. This bolt is NOT riveted. It pushes out easily by the help of a needle. If the cap or the bolt are to fix to remove them easily you should add a small amount of lighter fluid. At my Super Dollina it was not necessary.
Yes, I meant riveted. Sorry for my bad english. Maybe I post some pictures, it seems that on my Dolina it is not as easy to remove this cap as you suggest with the needle.